First start by creating a new repository on github. Then copy the SSH URL of the repository to the clipboard.

Let start with a simple node that prints a message to the console.

Click on down arrow in the top right corner to flip the node to the backside.

As you enter the URL for the git repository, another field will appear where you can enter the branch name.

Next press we need to add a ssh key to the MainlyAI secret store. Access the secret store by clicking on the MainlyAI logo in the top right corner of the workspace. You will see a meny pop out. Click on the “Account” option.

In the left tab click on the “Secrets” option.

Click on the + button to add a new secret and call it “$git_ssh_key”. The value should be a JSON object like this: { “ssh_key” : “<your ssh key>” }

If your ssh key is password protected you will be prompted to enter a password when pulling and pusing to the repository. If you don’t want to enter a password everytime you can add another secret to the secret store called ‘$ssh_key_password’.

Now we can go back to the workbench and click the “Push” button on the back of the node. This will pop up a dialogue window where you can view what will happen after the push. If you don’t like what you see you can just close down the window and nothing will change.

If you want to continue you click the “Push” button again.

After a few seconds the window will close and you can continue to work. Pulling from the repository is done in the same way by pressing the “Pull” button.